This week, we requested Jacksonville Jaguars followers whether or not they’re assured within the crew’s route.
7% of respondents stated sure.
Earlier than Week 18: 8%
Earlier than Week 17: 9%
Earlier than Week 16: 17%
Earlier than Week 15: 5%
Earlier than Week 14: 6%
Earlier than Week 13: 13%
Earlier than Week 12: 4%
Earlier than Week 11: 6%
Earlier than Week 10: 6%
Earlier than Week 9: 10%
Earlier than Week 8: 35%
Earlier than Week 7: 5%
Earlier than Week 6: 35%
Earlier than Week 5: 7%
Earlier than Week 4: 4%
Earlier than Week 3: 13%
Earlier than Week 2: 63%
Earlier than Week 1: 91%
We additionally requested followers to grade Shad Khan’s resolution to fireside Doug Pederson and retain Trent Baalke.
The overwhelming majority of respondents stated it was a failure.
“If we go back,” Khan defined Monday, “three years ago—or three seasons ago—obviously, we made the playoffs, we’re in the division game. Last year, we started off 8-3 and then went 1-5, OK, we didn’t make the playoffs. It was a winning season, but didn’t make the playoffs. After that, I started, really, right in Nashville, sat down with Doug, ‘OK, what are we going to do?’ And he identified, on the defensive side, we needed to change the staff and so on. As the season progressed, obviously, we weren’t doing well. We were close like yesterday, but not close enough to win the game. Then as I spoke to Doug, even last week for a good length of time, I just came to the conclusion what we were doing was not working and a change in direction was needed.”
“We’re all in this together. So that includes me, obviously, includes Trent, includes everyone on the football side. But I think it’s where we need the most change is, really, is on the coaching side and that’s where we’re starting.”
High feedback from Wednesday’s submit: